June 17, 2016 IASC Early Warning, Early Action and Readiness Report for the period June to November 2016. The Report is biannual, with a 6 month horizon. It is the product of a group of Agency analysts. In most cases these individuals work for their respective Emergency Directors. Analysis of preparedness status is provided by OCHA. The Report complements more frequent interaction between RC/HC and the ERC as the IASC system officials accountable for ensuring interagency early action and readiness. This should take place using the IASC Emergency Response Preparedness approach. The Report has been shared with relevant RC/HC.
In some cases, risks extend beyond the country level and involve multiple States, indeed multiple regions. In the current Report, El Niño-La Niña and Yellow Fever are examples. There are also cases where coordination using IASC mechanisms and those used by UNHCR for refugee situations would warrant focused attention. The situation in and around Burundi is an example.
The report is also used by the IASC Emergency Directors Group (EDG) as part of its processes as well as by others, including resourcing partners such as the CERF Secretariat (copied in this email). As a result of EDG consideration, a small number of potential situations were removed from the final version of the Report because their public release might do more harm than good. We will communicate separately on these situations.
While the report has and will continue to be produced from a humanitarian perspective, to move forward on the call of the Secretary-General for more comprehensive analysis and, ideally, wider preventive and other early action, the Chair of the UNDG, as well as Analysis and Planning Team in the Political, Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Human Rights Unit of the EOSG, are copied.